We believe in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and follow the basic faith established in the Universal Synods of Nicea, Constantinople, and Ephesus. For us, Church is not just the gathering of believers, but it is the holy catholic, apostolic community built as Christ as the corner stone, prophets, apostles and saints as the foundation, and all who are in Christ as its building blocks. Our mission is to respond to the call of our Lord Jesus Christ, to minister to those who are suffering and are in need throughout the world, sharing with them God's gifts of food, shelter, economic self-sufficiency and hope.
Our congregation continues to engage families to learn and practice tradition, culture, and Biblical values. From studying the components of our Liturgy to serving the community, the traditions of our forefathers will continue to be the building blocks of our faith for future generations of St. Gregorios Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church of Greater Washington DC. For more detailed information regarding Orthodox faith, please visit Our Faith.